Remembering Maxwell
Rest in Peace
Maxwell hasn't always had an easy life. He was living in the high desert outside. A concerned advocate got involved and was able to help him and then they found us asking for our help.
He loves other dogs and kids and is even bilingual!
The minimum adoption donation for adults is $375 and the adoption donation for puppies is $500. This amount only partially covers the cost of veterinary care, boarding fees, and other miscellaneous expenses involved in the temporary care and adoption of our dogs and is tax deductible when permitted by law. The adoption donation provides that all dogs will be spayed or neutered, receive current vaccinations, and are microchipped. If not, arrangements will be made on an individual basis ( i.e., puppies who will need to be altered by 6 mos old). Special consideration may be given to those willing to adopt older dogs or dogs with physical problems.